Volume 4 (2021)
Special issue on mummification
Thoughts about a Mummy Head in the HNM Semmelweis Museum, Budapest
Györy, Hedvig; Szvák, Enikö; Scheffer, Krisztina
The mummy head in the Collection of the HNM Semmelweis Museum of Medical History originates from the Fatīmid Period. The pharaonic type of funereal preparation for this head does not fit into the customary 11th Century methods. Thus, we are examining the possible reasons for mummification. This is the time when the outstanding Middle Eastern medicines were in need in the Western countries; and mummified ancient bodies were already used as medicament. We review the Arab sources for the use of early medieval mumiya, which was at that time a liquid remedy obtained from ancient mummies for external and internal use. The explanation in the Responsum of Maimonidēs also suggests the possibility that later generations used it as meat, which actually happened in the form of mummy powder. Based on our review, we considered its possible artificial mummification, but did not find an unequivocal solution. Clarifying this issue requires further research.
Györy, H., Szvák, E., Scheffer, K. 2021. «Thoughts about a Mummy Head in the HNM Semmelweis Museum, Budapest», JHIE 4: 179–190
Language: en
Submitted on 2021-09-02; accepted on 2021-12-22
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