Volume 2 (2014)

First page of the paper.

Proceedings of the first egyptological conference of the Patriarchate of Alexandria

Egypt and Hellas – The Beginning of Knowledge Exchange: Eudoxos of Knidos as an Example

Haggag, Mona


In the first half of the fourth century BC Hellenic Astronomy began to move from the stage of contemplative philosophical thought to a new phase of experimentation and practice. Features of this stage became obvious with the contributions of the Hellenic Astronomer Eudoxos, who visited Egypt during the fourth century BC, and probably benefited from its Sciences before the founding of Alexandria. Perhaps the time he spent in Egypt represents one stage of the transmission of Egyptian knowledge to Hellenic Science, which was really developed in Alexandria some decades later. This paper deals with two main debated issues: The first is the exact date Eudoxos visited Egypt; and the second is the kind of knowledge Eudoxos received from learning Egyptian Astronomy and to what extent the late Egyptian Astronomy of his time may had influenced the Hellenic.


Haggag, M. 2014. «Egypt and Hellas – The Beginning of Knowledge Exchange: Eudoxos of Knidos as an Example», JHIE 2: 211–220



Language: en


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