International Double–Blind Peer–Reviewed Egyptological and Archaeological Journal
ISSN 2241-0597

The Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology (JHIE) is jointly co–published annually, in one fascicle, by the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology (Athens, Greece), the Archaeological Society of Alexandria (Alexandria, Egypt) and the ῾Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
The aim of JHIE, based on the principles of Humanism and the desire for International Synergies and collaboration between colleagues of different nationalities that characterize both the Institute, the Society and ῾Ain Shams Shams University is to provide a modern Scientific Forum for the discussion of a plethora of aspects, notions and facets from various domains of Egyptology, Archaeology and Archaeoastronomy, with emphasis on the religion, funerary texts, language and scripts, Epigraphy, Papyrology, Sciences (Astronomy, Mathematics, Botany, Architecture, & c.) of ancient Egypt, as well as Helleno–Roman Archaeology related to Egypt; furthermore, Coptology is also well represented. Interdisciplinarity and the harmonious interference between various scholarly fields and disciplines are highly desirable, as is also a general emphasis on the collaboration of countries all over the Mediterranean Basin, encompassing studies of individual civilizations (in particular those related to ancient Egypt and Hellas), as well as common elements, contacts and interactions among them. Our journal is published, handled and distributed by Serapis Editions, Athens, Hellas. Please note that all payments are due to Serapis Editions, and not to the Institute neither to the Society.
JHIE is based on the highest standards and accepts after peer–reviewing original papers from all authors, without any discrimination between nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. We publish the work of international scholars, while also providing a virtual forum for the finest Hellenic and Egyptian scholarship; thus, we welcome original articles dealing with the aforementioned thematologies. Articles discussing different cultures will be considered for publication if they are clearly relevant to the ancient Mediterranean World (specifically to Egypt and Hellas), also including ancient Israel, Assyria, Persia, Mesopotamia, the Hittites, North Africa, & c. Information about new egyptological, archaeological and archaeoastronomical discoveries and current scholarly events is also welcome. Publishers are highly encouraged to send review copies of their books in the relevant fields.