Volume 3 (2020)
Hermopolis and the Moon: Astronomic and Cosmographic Texts from the Abode of Thoth
Maravelia, Alicia
The Moon, as a satellite of the Earth and a prominent heavenly body, was always playing an important part in the mind of ancient people. The Egyptians ―with their pre–scientific, yet very keen observational ways, based on cosmographic allegories and deep religious feeling― were particularly intrigued by the Moon and its peculiar motion on the celestial sphere. This is why in their religious and funerary texts the Moon is met numerous times, literally or metaphorically, as the Celestial Ferryman, whose movement on the Ecliptic was observed and described in a vivid metaphorical way. Hermopolis was the principal cult–centre of the lunar god Thoth, although the gods Iah and Khonsou were in principle the main lunar gods, as well as Isis during the Ptolemaic Period. There are no Hermopolitan Astronomical Texts per se; however, Hermopolis, but especially Thoth and the Moon, are met numerous times in the funerary texts of ancient Egypt (mainly in the PT, CT, BD), where astronomical and cosmographic elements abound. These references are found either in a direct astronomical way or as a way to provide rich funerary offerings to the deceased in their celestial hereafter on the main monthly feasts that were celebrated on the basis of the lunar cycle and the phases of the Moon. In this paper we are going to examine characteristic cases of these instances mainly based on the PT and the CT and we are going to present related archaeoastronomical simulations, reconstructing the ancient lunar skyscapes and discussing the results.
Maravelia, A. 2020. «Hermopolis and the Moon: Astronomic and Cosmographic Texts from the Abode of Thoth», JHIE 3: 59–90
Language: en
Submitted on 2019-06-21; accepted on 2020-09-22
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