Volume 5 (2022)
Papers presented at the third international conference of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology
Demiurge au Feminin: Le Feminin dans la Creation
Guilhou, Nadine
Egyptian cosmogonical stories always stage a male creator, except for Esna, where the goddess Neith is presented as a female creator. However, it is well known that the creation myths dwell on both the male and female nature of the creator. According to the Heliopolitan Cosmogony, the hand —a female word in Egyptian, as in French language— is an essential implement in the process of creation, appearing as a form of Hathor through the twin Heliopolitan figures of Iusacas and Hathor–Nebethetepet. Other documents refer more or less implicitly to the bisexuality of the creator. Finally, scarce androgynous figures appearing in the Egyptian documentation can be added to this topic.
Guilhou, N. 2022. «Demiurge au Feminin: Le Feminin dans la Creation», JHIE 5: 47–60
Language: fr
Submitted on 2022-02-20; accepted on 2022-11-15
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