Volume 2 (2014)
Proceedings of the first egyptological conference of the Patriarchate of Alexandria
Αρχαία Αιγυπτιακή Θρησκεία και Μονοθεϊσμός: Mετα–Φυσική και … Κβαντο–Mηχανική Προσέγγισις
Maravelia, Alicia
The ancient Egyptian religion consists of a multi–dimensional meta–physical system, whose Kernel and real essence might easily escape the layperson. What was the true essence of the ancient Egyptian religion? Was it polytheistic or heathen (considered through the Christian forma mentis)? Was it henotheistic, monotheistic or something more? What are the common points —if any— between this ancient way of approaching the Divine and Christianity? What were the influences from the old Egyptian religion to Christianity? What was the role of the ancient Egyptian priests? Did they have any common habits compared to modern priests and pastors? Which were the most important expressions of the ancient Egyptian piety? Was there a popular cult walking parallel to the official state religion? Was the conception of the Divine in the ancient Egyptian minds a multi–spectral approach of the ONE, expressing the Oneness of GOD (~ in Pluribus Unum)? Why some Old Kingdom wise priests–philosophers insisted in using deliberately the word god explicitly only in singular in their texts? What are the main misunderstandings of the modern (broader) public about Egypt and the ancient religion, fed by the superstition, mass media’s mis–information, esoterism and human weakness? In our paper we are also going to discuss Sauneron’s opinions about the ancient Egyptian priesthood [Sauneron, 32000] and Derchain’s [Derchain, 1965] and Hornung’s [Hornung, 21996] bright insights on the comparisons of the Egyptian divinities to the quantum–mechanical orbitals. We are going to extend and discuss thoroughly these virtual although intriguing comparisons, by adding references to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, to Schrödinger’s black–box/cat probability system, the de Broglie duality of the wave–particle dual nature of quantum mechanical systems and their tempting virtual comparison to the free will of humans, the possibility of miracles, not forgetting finally to mention the cosmological Anthropic Principle and the Big Bang theory alluding to The Creation of the Universe at t = 0 (or perhaps at log10t = ∞), the GUTs, entropy, and the concomitant Christian beliefs. Maybe the Egyptians of Antiquity (unlike the ancient Hellēnes) were never prone to create Science per se, however the fact that today we can —mutatis mutandis— compare their theological allegories to modern scientific notions proves unequivocally that their Einfühlung was indeed deep and their cosmovisional and theological metaphors might disclose more basic knowledge of both Physics and Meta–Physics than one could actually expect … We also conclude that some of the actual and most antique origins of Christianity (in particular) and Monotheism (in general) should be sought for not only in Judaism, but also in the ancient Egyptian religion and the related wisdom and funerary texts.
Maravelia, A. 2014. «Αρχαία Αιγυπτιακή Θρησκεία και Μονοθεϊσμός: Mετα–Φυσική και … Κβαντο–Mηχανική Προσέγγισις », JHIE 2: 43–117
Language: el
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