Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

Rare Important Astronomical Events during the Isia Feast correlated to the Starting Date of the Antikythēra Mechanism, The Helleno–Roman Isis and her Relation to Solar Eclipses

Voulgaris, Aristeidis; Mouratidis, Christophoros; Vossinakis, Andreas


The initial pointers’ position of the Antikythēra Mechanism (calibration) was based on a specific date, related to a unique coincidence of very important astronomical and religious events. During 22/23 December 178 BC (= 17/18 Hathyr) the four Lunar Cycles were at their beginning position, the Moon and the Sun crossed the zodiac sign of Capricorn signifying the Winter Solstice, the annular solar eclipse with the largest duration occurred and the Isia feast started. The Isia feast is related to the myth of Osiris’s death and his return to life via the help of Isis. In the Helleno–Roman Era, this myth is engaged to the Moon and the Sun. A further analysis of the eclipses’ probability of observation/visibility in the vicinity of Egypt and Middle East, explains why these areas exhibit a high probability for the solar eclipses’ visibility, detectability, and therefore, their recording. This advantage led to the development of the ancient Babylonian Solar Astronomy and the Saros Period discovery. The missing Sun and the solar corona appearance during a total solar eclipse could be adopted and worshipped as deities by the authorities and priesthoods at these areas, creating magnificent religious stories and symbols.


Voulgaris, A., Mouratidis, C., Vossinakis, A. 2023. «Rare Important Astronomical Events during the Isia Feast correlated to the Starting Date of the Antikythēra Mechanism, The Helleno–Roman Isis and her Relation to Solar Eclipses», JHIE 6: 77–100



Language: en

Submitted on 2023-09-15; accepted on 2023-12-27


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