Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

Coriandrum inter Silvestria non invenitur, Præcipuum esse constat Ægyptium

Györy, Hedvig


In the Roman World, Egyptian coriander was considered the most effective. However, it is not known what the Egyptians themselves thought of it during the time of the Pharaohs. Coriander is only sporadically mentioned in ancient Egyptian textual sources, mostly appearing in the list of drugs in medical texts. This paper, therefore, tries to find out how they thought about it, based on such texts from the New Kingdom Pe­riod, when our sources are most abundant. Five medical papyri have been found: Ebers, Hearst, Berlin, Leiden I.348 and a recently published scroll from the Louvre Collection, containing it. Micro–Philological research has shown that coriander was a popular medicine in the 18th Dynasty, but it seems never to have been used as a simplex. It was used both externally and internally, and was considered to be particularly effective in the tre­atment of mtw, both in terms of blood vessels and muscles/tendons, but also in terms of other applications, in line with current knowledge of the efficacy of coriander.


Györy, H. 2023. «Coriandrum inter Silvestria non invenitur, Præcipuum esse constat Ægyptium», JHIE 6: 3–18



Language: en

Submitted on 2023-09-10; accepted on 2023-11-05


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