Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

The Astronomical Orientation of the Temenos of Zeus Stratios (Amaseia, Pontos) and its Political and Theological Aspects

Fourlis, Athanasios; Kalfountzos, Evangelos; Kottis, Konstantinos


This study examines the sanctuary of Zeus Stratios near Amaseia (modern: Amasya) in Pontos (NE Asia Minor), focusing on its solar orientation to the Winter Solstice and the political and theological aspects expressed by its particular construction. In the context of this study, the effects of Macedonian and Hellenistic royal and military worship are highlighted, while observations and comparisons of the monument with other ancient sanctuaries with similar astronomical characteristics are given.


Fourlis, A., Kalfountzos, E., Kottis, K. 2023. «The Astronomical Orientation of the Temenos of Zeus Stratios (Amaseia, Pontos) and its Political and Theological Aspects», JHIE 6: 67–76



Language: en

Submitted on 2023-06-10; accepted on 2023-12-28


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