Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

Amulette aus Rettungsgrabungen von Hosh–᾽Aleash in ῾Ain Shams Ost, Heliopolis, 1986

Wagdy, ῾Abdelghaffar


This paper discusses a collection of Late Period amulets coming from the rescue excavations of Hosh–᾽Aleash in ῾Ain Shams East (Heliopolis), undertaken in 1986. The aim of this research is to study in detail 59 unpublished objects, which are registered and stored in the Egyptian Museum Cairo, the Grand Egyptian Museum and in ᾽El–Matariya’s storerooms. The available data on these amulets, provided in field documentation and in museum inventories, both —unfortunately— incomplete, and supplemented by personal examination of the objects, are presented in the catalogue. These objects are discussed according to their material (metal, stone and faience) and the major types they represent.


Wagdy, A. 2023. «Amulette aus Rettungsgrabungen von Hosh–᾽Aleash in ῾Ain Shams Ost, Heliopolis, 1986», JHIE 6: 43–66



Language: de

Submitted on 2023-10-24; accepted on 2023-12-20


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