Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

Cultivating a Deeper Understanding: Comparative Microbiological Experiments on the Antimicrobial Potential of Kyphi

Faviou, Elsa; Magiorkinis, Emmanuel; Maravelia, Alicia; Filianos, Markos


Kyphi was used as both incense and medication over a long period in ancient Egypt, as is attested in several sources (e.g.: Papyrus Ebers). The present work is a continuation of two recent papers and a book concerning the comparative study of the ancient Egyptian kyphi and the Orthodox Holy Chrism, using kyphi earlier confected during the first Experiment at the premises of the Chemical Laboratory of one of us (M.F.). Based on the recent results obtained from previous papers, this study attempts, in a third independent Laboratory to: 1. Replicate a part of the previous experiments; 2. Extend the scientific investiga­tion, comparing the effectiveness of ancient Egyptian kyphi and pure smoke on other microorganisms; and 3. Compare the effectiveness of kyphi confected during the 1st Experiment (not containing all ingredients) with that of kyphi confec­ted during the 2nd Experiment (containing all its 16 actual ingredients). The possible antifungal and antimicro­bial activity of kyphi is studied by performing fumigation experiments to cultiva­tions of Candida albicans (R.) B. [Gram (+) fungus], Escherichia coli M. [Gram (–) bacterium], Klebsiella pneumoniæ S.&T. ssp pneumoniæ [Gram (–) bacterium], Staphylococcus hominis K.&S. ssp hominis [Gram (+) coccus], and Pseudomo­nas aeruginosa (S.) M. [Gram (–) bacterium] in different conditions. The results show that the ac­tion of fumi­gation (pure smo­ke and kyphi) on selective and differential culture media has almost no effect on the growth of microorga­nisms. However, there is a clear direct effect of smoke (pure smoke and kyphi) on the microorganisms that appears stronger with kyphi in all dilutions (and mostly in 1/1000), with the exception of some multidrug re­sistant strains. Based on the fact that strains resistant to antibiotics are also resistant to kyphi, this may mean that kyphi exercises its antimicrobial action probably towards the same molecular targets.


Faviou, E., Magiorkinis, E., Maravelia, A., Filianos, M. 2023. «Cultivating a Deeper Understanding: Comparative Microbiological Experiments on the Antimicrobial Potential of Kyphi», JHIE 6: 25–42



Language: en

Submitted on 2023-10-24; accepted on 2023-12-20


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