Volume 6 (2023)

First page of the paper.

Lettuce or Palm Spathe? Re–Interpreting Artefact UC 34696 in the Petrie Museum, London

Norris, Pauline


Petrie described a small artefact he found at Coptos as representing either the lower part of a plant or a palm spathe and the object has also been described as a lettuce model. All of these descriptions have passed into the literature. Evidence is presented in this paper suggesting that the artefact resembles none of these identifications and offers further hypotheses as to the possible interpretation of the object.


Norris, P. 2023. «Lettuce or Palm Spathe? Re–Interpreting Artefact UC 34696 in the Petrie Museum, London», JHIE 6: 19–24



Language: en

Submitted on 2023-06-20; accepted on 2023-12-12


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