Volume 4 (2021)

First page of the paper.

Special issue on mummification

Binding the «Loss»: A Reconsideration of the Woven–to–Shape Tapes at Fag ᾿el-Gamūs

Tsourinaki, Sophia


The burials of Fag ᾽el-Gamūs in the Fayūm dessert have been characterised as an early Christian cemetery. Burial direction and minor textiles, such as built–up structures over the faces and woven–to–shape long tapes confirm to be indicative markers of Christianity. It is known that the fabrication of linen warp–faced shroud tapes (κειρίαι) has been a recognized occupation among the anachorētai–monks; however, warp–faced nar­row weaving in fine linen, for both practical and decorative function, has been practiced in Egypt since the Dynastic Period. A full description of the manufacturing technique, together with the weaving procedure and the possible use of the Roman rigid heddle as a weaving tool will be discussed. For the scope of this study, weaving experiments in the context of experimental Archaeology were reproduced by the author.


Tsourinaki, S. 2021. «Binding the «Loss»: A Reconsideration of the Woven–to–Shape Tapes at Fag ᾿el-Gamūs», JHIE 4: 151–164



Language: en

Submitted on 2021-07-28; accepted on 2021-12-15


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