Volume 4 (2021)

First page of the paper.

Special issue on mummification

Sans Cœur et sans Reproche! ᾿Ib et ḤƷty à l'Épreuve du Jugement Divin

Martin, Anaïs


The heart plays an important role in the funerary rites accompanying the transformation of the (human) deceased into an Ʒḫ–spirit, both during mummification and in the judgment in the afterlife. Its am­bivalent identification with the lexemes i͗b and ḥƷty, however, makes this notion complex and its study some­times con­fusing. Thus, the analysis of these different elements in the funerary literature makes it possible to assess the real stakes of these ritual practices and to shed light on certain aspects of the conception of the per­son in anci­ent Egyptian thought, opposing a purely physical character of the treatment of the body to a so­cial principle based on the moral qualities of the individual.


Martin, A. 2021. «Sans Cœur et sans Reproche! ᾿Ib et ḤƷty à l'Épreuve du Jugement Divin», JHIE 4: 77–90



Language: fr

Submitted on 2021-08-31; accepted on 2021-12-28


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