Volume 4 (2021)

First page of the paper.

Special issue on mummification

The Athens Mummy Project in Context: Exciting and Unexpected Results from the CT–Scanning of Five Mummies of the National Archaeological Museum

Bontozoglou, Nikolaos; Maravelia, Alicia; Pantazis, Ioannis; Kalogerakou, Kleanthi; Michailidis, Georgios; Kalampoukas, Kiriakos; Couvaris, Constantinos; Kyriazi, Stavroula


The Hellenic Institute of Egyptology —in close collaboration with the National Archaeological Museum of Athens and the Athens Medical Centre— performed a joint Research Project (= Athens Mummy Project), an original and unique up to now endeavour for Hellas. Five out of the ten Ptolemaic mummies coming from Panopolis, the sarcophagi of which have been studied earlier egyptologically [Maravelia & Cladaki–Mano­li 2004; Maravelia 2005] have been examined with a non–invasive method, using Computed Tomography (CT) with up–to–date te­chniques and Scanners, in order to examine and study them also from a medical, an­thro­pological and forensic perspective. The results of this study are not only encouraging [Maravelia, Bon­tozo­glou, Kalogerakou et al. 2019], but very interesting too, some of them being unique and unexpected [Mi­chailidis, Kyriazi, Maravelia et al. 2019; Kalampoukas, Kyriazi, Maravelia et al. 2020; Pantazis, Tour­na, Maravelia et al. 2020]. In this pa­per, after a short introduction to the Research Project, we shall summa­rize the context as well as the principal results of our study, presenting more exciting results.


Bontozoglou, N., Maravelia, A., Pantazis, I., Kalogerakou, K., Michailidis, G., Kalampoukas, K., Couvaris, C., Kyriazi, S. 2021. «The Athens Mummy Project in Context: Exciting and Unexpected Results from the CT–Scanning of Five Mummies of the National Archaeological Museum», JHIE 4: 41–74



Language: en

Submitted on 2021-07-20; accepted on 2021-12-20


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