Volume 4 (2021)
Special issue on mummification
The Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the National Archaeological Museum and the Athens Mummy Project
Karapanagiotou, Anna-Vasiliki; Lazaris, Panagiotis; Grigoraki, Argyro; Nikolentzos, Konstantinos
The National Archaeological Museum was founded in 1829 and it was the first one of the Hellenic state after the successful revolution of 1821 against the Ottoman rule. At the beginning it was placed in Aegina, the first capital of Greece. When Athens became the official capital of Greece in 1834, the National Archaeological Museum was transferred there as well. In 1866, after the donation of the land by E. Tositsas and the financing of Benardakis family, the construction of the present building began and in 1889, the Museum was ready to welcome its public. Among the various antiquity collections, the Museum had the chance to acquire through donations a considerable amount of Egyptian Antiquities that cover all periods of ancient Egyptian civilization, thus creating an Egyptian Collection which is one of the most fascinating and enchanting of the Museum.
Karapanagiotou, A.V., Lazaris, P., Grigoraki, A., Nikolentzos, K. 2021. «The Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the National Archaeological Museum and the Athens Mummy Project», JHIE 4: 0–0
Language: en
Submitted on 2021-08-30; accepted on 2021-12-21
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